Monday, February 21, 2011

Goodbye Blasts!

Something that we're realizing is that we need to become proficient with understanding Rena's bloodwork. We receive the blood results each morning and we have started charting a variety of blood counts. These include: white blood cell, hemoglobin, platelets, absolute neutrophil count, and blasts. Each of these give us an indication of how Rena's body is responding to Chemo, and where her immune system is at.

This morning we were happy to hear that the Chemo, which started a few days ago, has decreased the blast count (or immature white blood cells) by 89%. Were hoping to have them down by 100 % tomorrow, and if that happens (and a few other things look stable) we can finally come home from the hospital.


  1. that is wonderful news! my neice is a fighter!!!

  2. Yeah Rena...we're all cheering for you from Ohio! Such a trooper.

    Love the Bikowski's

  3. Sending hugs and good thoughts for Rena, and GInger and Nate! Our prayers are with you. April, Matt and Daphne.
