Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's good to be home

It's very nice to be home.  Rena is doing pretty well and is able to relax in a way that just wasn't possible in the hospital.  She is being a real trooper and taking all of the icky medication when asked.  Her throat is becoming a little sore, which happens with some of the chemotherapy agents, and she is feeling somewhat achy and tired. Rena is taking it easy today relaxing on the couch and watching some of our favorite TV shows that we missed while in the hospital this week. I'm busy trying to organize the 20 pounds of hospital paperwork and taking care of a few things around the house.


  1. Thanks for the update, Ginger. You are a magnificent parent as Rena is a wonderful daughter.

  2. Happy to hear your all are home and getting settled in. Any certain candy that could make Rena's throat feel better? ie, lifesavers or anything like that we could send her? Is Rena in need of any new movies or cd's? What would see like to see or hear?

    Great of you to keep everything organized. You are doing such a great job being a wonderful mom!

    Give Rena a big hug from us!!

  3. Happy to hear she is relaxing. Home is always better! We love you guys.
